Monday 30 November 2020


 In a bid to take up new challenge and improve on my grading/scoring skills in Art as an Art educator and also as a Visual Artist, i applied as a judge for 2020 COBIS Art Contest. Fortunately, i was shortlisted as one of the judges to grade the Art entries of students across the globe, after thoroughly screening applications. Although, tough and challenging but it was fun and interesting. 

Apparently, based on my expertise and the successful judging of the numerous and creative entries across the globe, i was giving a commendation letter, sometime in April, this year. Interestingly i have been shortlisted for the second time to be one of the judges for the 2021 Cobis Art Contest.

So, i shall be one of the judges for next years edition, God willing.

See you there!!!!

Abiola, M.S

{Art Educator, Visual Artist & Consultant}

Monday 16 November 2020


 Here is one of my latest works done using pen. This work is titled Orphan and i got inspired by recent happenings around and based on special request.

Apart form being an Art Educator, I am also a Pen Illustrator. I use pen to create nice artistic piece based on inspiration and my major focus is always on figures.

Abiola, M.S

Art Educator, Visual Artist & Art Consultant


OBSERVATIONAL DRAWING (Focus on Still Life Objects)

 Drawing simply means a technique in which images are depicted on a surface with the help of lines, though drawings can also contain tonal areas, washes and other non-linear marks.

It is also the use of lines to create, illustrate or describe an image on a surface, either through observational or imaginary.

The 5 basic skills of drawing are; an understanding of and ability to work with edges, spaces, light and shadow, relationships, and the whole, or gestalt.

Examples of drawing are;

- Still life drawing

- Life drawing

- Imaginative drawing

- Nature drawing etc.

The images here are example of Still life drawing done through observation by my Art and Design students KS4 (Year 10).

Abiola, M.S

Art Educator, Visual Artist & Art Consultant


LINE (An Element of Art)

 Line is one of the examples of the Elements of Art.

It is regarded as an extension of dots or a moving path.

Other examples of elements of art are; Shape, Colour, Texture, Space, Form and Value.

Examples of line include the following:

- Thick

- Thin

- Vertical

- Horizontal

- Zig zag

- Curly

- Curvy

Meanwhile, the works in this write-up are works done by my students, using some of the examples of lines that we have.

Abiola, M.S

Art Educator, Visual Artist & Art Consultant



Pattern simply means a repeated motif, while motif is a unit of a design.
Repeat pattern is also regarded  as an identical image repeated severally on a surface. These Repeats can either be vertically or horizontally done.

However, surfaces where patterns can be found, include; Carpet, Walls, Wallpapers, Fabrics, Bags, Curtains, Floors etc.

Examples of Repeat pattern are;
1. Mirror repeat
2. Diamond repeat
3. Brick/Block repeat
                                                                                                    4. Counter change
                                                                                                     5. Halfdrop repeat
                                                                                                       6. Fulldrop repeat etc.
                                                                                                     Meanwhile, the works you are seeing at                                                                                                      the left side of this write-up are works                                                                                                         on repeat pattern done by my Art and                                                                                                          Design students.
Abiola, M.S
Art Educator, Visual Artist & Art Consultant