Tuesday 21 December 2021


The 2022 World COBIS Art Competition is here........

I am glad to announce to you once again that I will be one of the Official Judges for 2022 world art contest for British Curriculum Based Schools across the globe and this will be my third time in a roll.

Are you a School owner, Management, Parent or Art Teacher? This holiday season is the best time to prepare your student(s) or child(ren) for this contest, so long your school or child's school is a British curriculum based school and member of COBIS i.e Council of British International Schools.

Below are the rules and instructions for the  contest which will officially open on January 26, 2022.

COBIS Art Competition 2022 Terms and Conditions :

1. The COBIS Art Competition 2022 is open to all COBIS schools (including Applicant schools). Each school with a registered COBIS account should participate as an individual school. 

2. Submissions will be open from 26 January 2022 until 3pm UK time on 23 February 2022. 

3. Entries must be submitted by a teacher on behalf of the student to the COBIS Art Competition page on the Zealous website (https://zealous.co/) via an online entry form. 

4. All entries will be submitted, processed and judged via the Zealous platform. Please read Zealous’ Usage Policy and Privacy Policy before entering the competition. 

5. All teachers should have the correct permissions from parents/guardians to share their pupils’ names and ages as part of this competition. 

6. There are five categories for submitted entries: Category A: Early Years and Foundation Stage Category B: Key Stage 1 Category C: Key Stage 2 Category D: Key Stage 3 Category E: Key Stage 4 Please ensure entries are submitted for the correct category. Entries will not be accepted from students outside of these categories or for work submitted to the wrong category. 

7. Three entries per category per school may be submitted. COBIS will accept the first three entries from a school in each category and reserves the right to exclude subsequent submissions from the judging process. 

8. The theme of the COBIS Art Competition is ‘Looking Ahead’. COBIS reserves the right to exclude any entries which do not adhere to this theme. 

9. Entries must be the students own work. 1

0. The student and school name should not appear on the image of the artwork submitted. 

11. Any foul play, cheating, plagiarism or attempted manipulation of the results will result in a permanent exclusion of the offending school from the COBIS Art Competition. The judgement of COBIS on this point will be final. 

12. The judges' decision regarding the winners of the COBIS Art Competition will be final. 

13. The winning schools will be announced in March 2022. The winners will be notified by email. 

14. The full name, age, school name and artwork of winners and runners-up will be published on the COBIS website and social media. This information may also be published and promoted at the COBIS Annual Conference in May 2022 and in other COBIS-related publications. 

Winners should participate in such reasonable promotional activity and material as COBIS may require. By entering the competition, the teacher confirms that the necessary permissions have been sought from students and/or their parents to publish this information for such purposes.

Abiola M.S

Cambridge Certified Art Educator 

& Official Judge For World COBIS Art Contest

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