Tuesday 30 November 2021


Figure drawing involves the drawing of the human form in different positions or postures, using any drawing media e.g Pencil, Charcoal, Pen, Pastel, Graphite etc.
Figure drawing in otherwords, can also be refer to as, LIFE DRAWING.

A good Life drawing is better achieved through the use of Live Model, which could either be a male or female.  It is arguably the most difficult subject an ARTIST commonly encounters, and entire courses are dedicated to the subject. The human figure is one of the most enduring themes in the visual arts, and the human figure can be the basis of portraitureillustrationsculpturemedical illustration, and other fields.


  • An average person is generally 7-and-a-half heads tall (including the head). This can be illustrated to students in the classroom using paper plates to visually demonstrate the length of their bodies.
  • An ideal figure, used for an impression of nobility or grace, is drawn at 8 heads tall.
  • A heroic figure used in the depiction of gods and superheroes is eight-and-a-half heads tall. Most of the additional length comes from a bigger chest and longer legs. These proportions are most useful for a standing model. Poses which introduce Foreshortening of various body parts will cause them to differ.
  • A female shoulder is narrow, while the male shoulder is broad.
  • The female have a subtle muscle (except for those is sport). while male are muscular.

Note: The images in this write-up are images of a recent Life drawing session carried out by my wonderful KS4 (Year 11) Art and Design Students.

....Abiola M.S
(Certified Cambridge Art and Design Educator)


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