Friday 25 November 2022


 'Paint at the Beach' is an idea initiated out of the noticeable boring or less fun gatherings or picnics occassionally organised by Companies, Schools, Families, Friends, Churches etc. 

At Art Invasion Academy, our main objective is to add Colour and make your Picnic memorable by introducing a Paint at the Beach Session (Sip and Paint) as one of the major high points of your Family, Friend, Staff, Church or Alumni Picnic. 

Note: You are to plan the Picnic, while our duty is come in as an Art Instructor to Facilitate the Paint at the Beach Session.

This idea is also extended to Children's Birthday Parties. Are you a parent or event planner and you need to add colour to the Birthday Party, you can request for our service as one of the fun and creative activities for the Birthday Party. You know, kids like colours and they would surely love the 'Paint and Sip Session'.


Kindly check out the E-flyer for more information and you can reach us via the contacts on the flyer.

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